Goal Setting…

New Year, New Me? Wrong. This is an unrealistic expectation we may have set up for ourselves just days ago as the year turned it's final pages. As Adam Grant, Organizational Psychologist and Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania notes, "Success is more than achieving your goals. It's living your values." Before creating an endless to-do list this year, ask yourself whether these fall in line with things you find intrinsically worthwhile. If you work from this order of thought, rather than creating goals which you later don't find important, you may find yourself unmotivated. If finding a new job or switching career paths is part of that journey, let us know! Free Virtual Interview Prep has a full team ready to handle mock interviews this 2021. As always, thanks to your continuous support!

#interviewprep #mockinterview #adamgrant #upenn


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